15 Hilarious Party Games for Adults

Planning an unforgettable adult party means you need to get creative, especially when it comes to fun and interactive party games. Whether you’re hosting a casual get-together or a more formal celebration, adult party games can set the tone, get people laughing, and help everyone loosen up. These games work for game nights, birthday parties, or even as ice-breakers for large groups.

In this article, we’ll dive into 15 hilarious party games, offering step-by-step instructions and even a few variations to keep things exciting. The goal is to create a night full of laughter, friendly competition, and memorable moments!

1. Drop A Hint

This game will have everyone in stitches as teammates struggle to get the guesser to figure out the word based on just one clue at a time. It’s the perfect blend of creativity and hilarious miscommunication.

Supplies Needed:

  • Slips of paper (or index cards) with random words or phrases written on them
  • Timer

How to Play:

  1. Split into Teams – Form two teams with at least four players each. One person from Team A will be the guesser, while the other three stand behind a table, each with a card in hand.
  2. Clue-Giving – The clue-giving team takes turns saying one word at a time to help the guesser figure out the word. The first player might say “Halloween,” the next “orange,” and the third “pumpkin” if the word is pumpkin.
  3. Guessing – The guesser has one shot to guess the word. If they get it wrong, the team moves on to the next card.
  4. Timing – Set the timer for 2 minutes. Teams keep guessing until time’s up.
  5. Switch – After Team A’s turn, Team B gets a go.


Each team gets one point for every correct word guessed. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins!


Try to pick words that are fun or bizarre to make the hints even more hilarious. The less obvious, the better!

2. Movie ID

Think of this game as a game of “Name That Tune,” but for movies! The twist? Teams bid on how many clues they need to guess a movie, adding a layer of strategy to the fun.

Supplies Needed:

  • Notecards with movie titles written on them
  • Buzzer
  • Timer

How to Play:

  1. Divide into Two Teams – Set up a buzzer on the table for quick responses. Each team will take turns bidding on how many clues (or words) they need to guess the movie title.
  2. Bidding – The first player from each team reads the title and bids how many clues they need. For example, if the movie is Forrest Gump, one player might say “four” (e.g., “Hanks,” “box of chocolates”).
  3. Competing Bids – The other team can then outbid them by saying “three” or less, or they can accept the bid.
  4. Clue-Giving – Once the bid is settled, the player who won the bid gives the movie clues. Teams get one chance to guess the movie with the given clues.
  5. Switching Turns – After each round, switch players and continue with the next movie.


The team that guesses the most movies correctly wins the game.


You can adapt the game by creating categories like “Christmas Movies” or “90s Flicks” for even more fun!

3. The Wooden Spoon

This game requires fast thinking and the ability to spot outliers. Teams will race to identify the “odd one out” from a list of seemingly related items.

Supplies Needed:

  • A list of categories with items (some that belong and some that don’t)
  • A wooden spoon
  • Timer

How to Play:

  1. Create Categories – Prepare a list of items in a specific category (e.g., types of fruit, books by a specific author). For each category, add a few items that don’t belong.
  2. Teams – Split into two teams and place the wooden spoon in the center of the room.
  3. Guessing – Read off the list of items to both teams. As soon as someone spots an item that doesn’t belong, they race to grab the wooden spoon. They must then identify the out-of-place item.
  4. Elimination – If the answer is correct, the other team loses a player. If the answer is wrong, the team loses a player.
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The last team standing with players remaining wins the game.


Make sure the odd items are tricky but not too obscure, so everyone has a fighting chance.

4. How Do You Doo

This game takes the classic Name That Tune concept and puts a funny spin on it. Players can only sing one word, “doo,” to get their team to guess the song. It’s a simple concept but incredibly difficult to pull off — and that’s where the fun lies!

Supplies Needed:

  • Song title notecards or slips of paper
  • Timer

How to Play:

  1. Divide into Teams – Split the group into two teams. One player from the first team picks a song title from a bowl, but instead of saying anything, they must sing the song using only the word “doo.”
  2. Guessing – The other team members can guess as much as they want. The player continues singing until someone guesses the song correctly or the time runs out.
  3. Passes – If the team is stuck, they can skip to another song by drawing a new card.
  4. Team Rotation – After one team has their turn, rotate teams and repeat the process.


The team that guesses the most songs correctly wins. You can also adjust the game length by setting time limits for each round.


Add extra fun by having each round focus on a specific genre (e.g., pop, 80s music, movie soundtracks).

5. Balloon Pop

Balloon Pop is one of the most high-energy games on this list, and it’s guaranteed to get everyone laughing. The game combines speed, strategy, and a lot of chaos as players try to pop their balloons using only their bodies.

Supplies Needed:

  • Balloons
  • String (for tying balloons to ankles)

How to Play:

  1. Preparation – Before the game starts, tie a balloon to each player’s ankle using string. The balloon should be inflated but not too tight.
  2. The Goal – The objective is simple: pop everyone else’s balloon while protecting your own. Players must run, jump, and dodge each other’s attempts to pop their balloons.
  3. Elimination – Once someone’s balloon is popped, they are out of the game.
  4. Last Balloon Standing – The last player with an un-popped balloon is declared the winner!


The last person with a balloon still intact is the winner.


Try using multiple balloons tied to each player for extra fun! Players need to pop all of them to be eliminated.

6. Charades with a Twist

Charades is a classic party game, but with a twist, it’s even more fun. In this version, players must act out movie titles, famous personalities, or random actions — but they can only use facial expressions and exaggerated body movements. No talking, no sounds, just pure comedy.

Supplies Needed:

  • Slips of paper with random phrases, movie titles, or famous people’s names written on them
  • Timer

How to Play:

  1. Divide into Teams – Players split into two teams. One person from each team draws a slip of paper and silently reads the phrase or title.
  2. Acting It Out – The player must act out the phrase without using any words, sounds, or props. They can only rely on their body and facial expressions.
  3. Guessing – The team has a set amount of time to guess what the person is acting out. If they guess correctly, they earn a point.
  4. Switch Turns – Teams take turns, and after each round, a new player from each team takes the spotlight.
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The team with the most correct guesses wins the game.


Make sure the clues are varied, so some are easy and some are a little tricky to keep things exciting!

7. Murder Mystery Dinner

A murder mystery dinner combines intrigue, storytelling, and a bit of acting. It’s a great way to get everyone involved in a shared story, with each player trying to figure out “whodunit.” Best of all, this game can span a couple of hours, so it’s perfect for a longer party.

Supplies Needed:

  • Pre-written murder mystery kit (many are available online for free or for purchase)
  • Props (optional)

How to Play:

  1. Prepare the Story – Choose a murder mystery kit based on the size of your party. Each kit will provide you with characters, motives, and a plot. Players are assigned roles and given background information about their character.
  2. Start the Mystery – Set the scene and begin the murder mystery. Players interact with each other, trying to uncover clues and figure out who committed the crime.
  3. Solve the Crime – At the end of the game, each player will submit their guess for the murderer. The host then reveals the killer, and the winner is the player who guessed correctly.


The player who correctly identifies the murderer wins the game.


Make it more interactive by adding a dinner component where players can discuss the mystery while eating.

8. Pin the Tail on the Donkey (Adult Version)

Who says Pin the Tail on the Donkey is just for kids? This version includes some adult fun that’ll have everyone in fits of laughter.

Supplies Needed:

  • A large picture of a donkey (or any funny character you choose)
  • Paper “tails” (with a thumbtack or double-sided tape)
  • Blindfold

How to Play:

  1. Set Up – Hang up the picture of the donkey on the wall and place the “tails” at a central location.
  2. Blindfolded Players – Players take turns being blindfolded and spun around a few times before attempting to pin the tail on the donkey. The challenge is not only trying to find the donkey but also doing it with no sight!
  3. Silly Attempts – As the players go, the rest of the group can cheer, jeer, and laugh at their (usually poor) aim.


The player who pins the tail closest to the donkey wins the game.


For a fun variation, create different targets for a more challenging game.

9. The Saran Wrap Ball Game

This game combines strategy, skill, and a bit of luck. It’s fast-paced and perfect for those who enjoy a challenge!

Supplies Needed:

  • Saran wrap
  • Small prizes (like candy, mini toys, or gift cards)

How to Play:

  1. Wrap It Up – The host wraps a variety of small prizes inside a ball of saran wrap, creating a massive ball that’s difficult to unwrap.
  2. Pass It Around – Players take turns unwrapping the ball while wearing oven mitts. They have 30 seconds to unwrap as much as they can before passing it on to the next person.
  3. Collect Prizes – Players keep the prizes they uncover during their turn.


The player who unwraps and collects the most prizes wins.


Ensure there’s a prize for everyone to prevent any disappointment. Everyone’s a winner in this game!

10. Flip Cup Relay

This competitive game is great for team bonding and adds a bit of friendly rivalry to your party.

Supplies Needed:

  • Plastic cups
  • A table
  • Beverages (usually beer or soda)
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How to Play:

  1. Divide into Teams – Split the group into two teams.
  2. Set the Scene – Place a plastic cup for each player at the edge of the table, filled with the beverage of choice.
  3. Game Time – Players must drink the beverage, then try to flip the cup upside down by flicking the rim with their fingers.
  4. Relays – The next player cannot go until the previous player flips the cup. The first team to finish the entire relay wins!


The first team to complete the relay wins.

11. Twister

A classic game that gets everyone laughing and tangled up! Perfect for a mixed-age crowd, it’s simple, active, and fun.

Supplies Needed:

  • Twister mat
  • Spinner

How to Play:

  • Set up the mat and have someone spin the dial to call out body parts and colors.
  • Players must place their hands and feet on the corresponding colored circles.
  • As the game progresses, it gets more challenging and players may end up in some awkward (and hilarious) positions.


  • The last player remaining on the mat without falling is the winner.

12. Karaoke Challenge

A musical competition that lets your guests unleash their inner pop stars, and a great way to break the ice.

Supplies Needed:

  • Karaoke machine or YouTube karaoke videos
  • Microphone

How to Play:

  • Set up a karaoke station and allow guests to choose songs to perform.
  • Make it competitive by assigning judges to rate performances on creativity, accuracy, and showmanship.


  • After all performances, the person with the highest score wins a fun prize!

13. Murder Mystery

A themed game where guests work together to solve a crime, with everyone playing a character. Great for adding drama and excitement to your party.

Supplies Needed:

  • Murder mystery kit or pre-written mystery story
  • Costumes or character assignments

How to Play:

  • Assign characters and hand out mystery clues.
  • Everyone interacts in character while trying to figure out who the murderer is.
  • The game can have twists and turns, so players must pay close attention to all the details.


  • The player (or team) that correctly solves the mystery first wins.

14. Scavenger Hunt

A hunt for hidden items or completing challenges, ideal for engaging your guests in a little friendly competition and exploration.

Supplies Needed:

  • List of items to find or tasks to complete
  • Optional: Prizes for the winning team

How to Play:

  • Create a list of clues or items for your guests to find, either within the party area or around the house.
  • Divide everyone into teams and send them on their way.
  • Players must find the items and return them to you or complete the tasks listed.


  • The team that finds the most items or completes the most challenges in the shortest time wins.

15. Emoji Charades

A fun twist on traditional charades, this game uses only emojis to communicate and guess phrases or movies.

Supplies Needed:

  • Phone or printed emoji cards
  • A timer

How to Play:

  • Players take turns picking an emoji sequence and act it out, trying to get the others to guess what the emojis represent.
  • The guessers can ask for hints or guess freely based on the emojis.


  • The first player/team to guess correctly gets a point. The game continues for a set amount of rounds or until everyone has had a turn. The player with the most points wins.

Conclusion: Make Your Party Unforgettable!

No matter what game you choose from this list, you’re guaranteed to create an atmosphere full of laughter and fun. Party games for adults aren’t just about competition — they’re about creating memories, breaking the ice, and letting loose. The key is to keep the mood lighthearted and to enjoy the company of your friends!

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